Friday, April 6, 2012

Eyes of a child

I love getting a new perspective on the world through my daughter.  She just turned 5 and this is by far, one of my favorite ages.  Not simply because bed time is easy and tantrums are all but non existing- but because I'm excited for things again, seeing them through her eyes.  Easter is on Sunday and she is so excited about the, "Easter bunny/chocolate/eggs".  But i'm so proud that she truly knows what Easter is all about.  She is proud of it, says her favorite time in school is Bible time, and has unwavering faith. 

This morning she comes running into our bedroom like she does almost every morning and says quite factually, "Today is Good Friday.  People like you and me nailed Jesus to the cross.  He had to die so we can live.  I can't wait to die mom, so I can see Jesus".   Wow.  Just wow.  So much wisdom and faith in those few words.  She doesn't question it.  Jesus died so we can live. No second guessing, no fear, no wondering. 

I often wondered why, of all things Christ could have chosen, he picked children to be OUR example.  In Luke 18:17says, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” or Matthew 18:4, “Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

I don't run my household like a child, work like a child, etc.  But my faith?  I need to have faith like a child? Hannah sees things differently than I do.  She is simple.  She has humility.  She understands grace. Jesus died so we don't have to. To her, there is nothing to question.  

Walking on the road to Jerusalem.
The time had come to sacrifice again.
My two small sons they walked beside me on the road.
The reason that they came was to watch the lamb

Daddy, daddy, what will we see there
There's so much we don't understand
So I told them of Moses and Father Abraham
And then I said dear children watch the lamb.

When we reached the city I knew something must be wrong
There were no joyful worshippers no joyful worship songs.
I stood there with my children in the midst of angry men.
And then I heard the crowd cry out crucify Him.

I watched Him as He struggled I watched Him as He fell.
The cross came down upon His back, the crowd began to yell.
In that moment I felt such agony, in that moment I felt such loss.
Until a Roman soldier grabbed my arm and screamed "You carry His cross.

At first I tried to resist him, then his hand reached his sword.
And so I knelt and took the cross from the Lord.
I placed it on my shoulder and started down the street.
The blood that He'd been shedding was running down my cheek.

They led us to Golgotha they drove nails deep in His feet and hands.
And yet upon the cross I heard Him pray, "Father, forgive them."

Oh never have I seen such love in any other eyes.
"Into thy hands I commit My spirit." He prayed and then He died.

I stood for what seemed like years I'd lost all sense of time.
Until I felt two tiny hands holding tight to mine.
My children stood there weeping I heard the oldest say.
"Father, please forgive us the lamb ran away.

Daddy, daddy what have we seen here.
There is so much we don't understand.
so I took them in my arms.
We turned and faced the cross,
and I said, "Dear children,
Watch the Lamb."